On Saturday 3rd July one of our year 9 students, George Butterworth, sadly passed away. Our hearts and thoughts are with George’s family and friends at this very sad and difficult time. George was a fantastic student who made a great impression on all those he came into contact with. He was bright, caring and popular.
Lots of students and staff will be deeply affected by George’s death and they will find it hard to come to terms with this tragic news. As well as offering what support we can to George’s family, specifically to his sister in year 7, the emotional wellbeing of our students is our over-riding priority.
It is at times like these that our community must come together so that we can support each other. For those students affected by this terrible news we have an experienced pastoral team who will be able to offer support and guidance. The coming days will be very hard and we need to be there for each other. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you think that there is anything that we can do to support your child through this very difficult time.
Our thoughts and our deepest sympathy go out to George’s family and friends.
For those who want to pay their respects to George, we will send further details of the funeral arrangements as soon as we know them.
Thank you.
Newsflash 38- Friday 9th July 2021