Contact Us Details
Head of Year Contact Details – Year 11 – Year 10 – Year 9 – Year 8 – Year 7
If you phone or write to a member of our staff and you do not get an acknowledgement or reply within 48 hours, we ask that you contact the Head Teacher’s Executive Assistant, directly, letting them know who you contacted and what your concern or question was.
Please write by email to the Executive Assistant to the Headteacher giving them details of which member of staff you have contacted and what your question, concern or request is.
This facility can only be used if you have first followed the correct channels and not received an acknowledgement and reply by the end of 2 working days.
How to contact us
You can contact the school in several ways including telephone, e-mail or post. We will endeavour to deal with all enquiries quickly and effectively.
Headteacher: Mrs A Din
Executive Headteacher: Mr P Wilson
Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO): Miss S Gillespie
Clerk to Governing Body –
School Address
Mossley Hollins High School,
Huddersfield Road,
Telephone: 01457 832491
Classification: Community school
"*" indicates required fields
If you require paper copies of any of the information found on our website, please complete the form above stating the documents you require and a member of our Admin team will deal with your request.
Mossley Hollins High School use an automatic telephone recording system which records all phone calls made to, or from, the school. External callers will receive an automated message informing them of this fact when they telephone. Please be aware that all calls made from the school will be recorded by the automated system too.
Access to calls will only be made under exceptional circumstances, or for training purposes. Only a restricted number of staff will have access to the recording system. Monitoring systems will be put in place in order to ensure the system is used securely and that confidentiality is maintained. Copies of calls will not be made without the permission of the Headteacher.