We will be identifying our ‘Aiming for 9’ students in each year group from their prior attainment at Key Stage 2 as they have proved they are capable of the very highest standards of achievement in English and mathematics. These students will form a small focussed group in each year group and will have the highest of targets and expectations as they progress through school. These students will also be awarded badges to wear on their uniform and their GCSE targets will be set at the very top end where they will be ‘Aiming for 9’. These students will all follow the academic Ebacc pathway at GCSE.
‘Aiming for 9’ students will have the opportunity to apply for and complete The Scholars’ Programme which will be offered to pupils in year 7, 9 and 10. This supra curricular programme is university-style teaching and learning delivered by University PhD researchers. Students research and study with the PhD tutor and produce a paper which is graded on the university grid.
In addition to this the ‘Aiming for 9′ groups will receive other opportunities to further extend their learning and progress. For example, they will be entered into the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Challenges where in 2019 eight of our most able year 9 and 10 students progressed to the next round, the Junior Kangaroo and one year 9 student achieved a Merit prize. Students will have every available opportunity to experience life at top universities, in year 8 and 9 they have the opportunity to attend a STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics) day in the summer term where they attend a local university and compete with other schools across a number of areas including robotics, construction of a model racing car and medicine.