The Gatsby Benchmarks are a set of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools
and colleges. The government has directed schools to work towards achieving 100% against the
benchmarks by 2020. We have support from an Enterprise Coordinator from Bridge GM at GMCA
(Greater Manchester Combined Authority) and an Enterprise Advisor from a local business.
The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are listed below. In order to achieve these and to ensure we have a
strategic and sustainable careers programme it is vital that all staff are involved. This includes you as
a form teacher and subject teacher.
What can I do to support Careers as a teacher/form teacher?
At Mossley Hollins, we deliver careers through our Pastoral Programme (including Drop Down
Days) and across subjects. Below are some simple ways that you can link your curriculum to careers
and you probably already do this!
Careers education is a team effort and the responsibility of all teaching and pastoral staff. There is a
range of resources and examples of curriculum projects available here. You can also speak to the
school’s Careers Leader, Enterprise Coordinator and/or Enterprise Adviser for more information and