Mossley Hollins recognises that pupils at school with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education. Some children with medical conditions may be disabled and where this is the case the school will comply with its duties under the Equality Act 2010.
Some may also have special educational needs (SEN) and may have a statement, or Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan which brings together health and social care needs, as well as their special educational provision and the SEND Code of Practice (2014) is followed.
Our lead first aider is Mrs R.Weaver; she is supported by a team of qualified first aiders. Provision is made through the Learning Support Faculty to provide for both short and long term conditions. This includes the storing and administration of prescribed medication, physiotherapy, access arrangements for mobility including lift passes and adaptations for school trips and activities.
Mossley Hollins is unable to provide pain relief to students however with new guidance issued on administering medication and in accordance with our school Administration of Medicines Policy, parents are able to provide medication / pain relief to be held on the school premises which can then be administered to the pupils as and when necessary if your child has to take medication during the day. A parental Agreement for School to administer medication form is required to be completed in this instance, a link to this can be found below, and returned to student reception with their medication.
Emergency Inhalers in School.
If it is on our school records that your child has been diagnosed with asthma then you must provide Mossley Hollins with a copy of their School Asthma Care Plan issued by their Asthma Nurse/Doctor or by completing the School Asthma Form also providing spare inhaler for your child to be kept in school.
The Department of Health have made amendments to the Human Medicines Regulations which will allow schools to keep salbutamol inhalers for use in an emergency The use of emergency inhalers is not a statutory requirement for schools but we believe that keeping an inhaler for emergency use will have many benefits. This could prevent an unnecessary trip to hospital for a child and give parents/carers a greater peace of mind about sending their child to school.
The emergency salbutamol inhaler can only be used by
1) children for whom we have written parental/carer consent
2) children who have been diagnosed with asthma and prescribed an inhaler/or who have been prescribed an inhaler as reliever medication.
It is the parents/carer’s responsibility to ensure that their child has their inhaler on them at all times, and a spare held in the medical room at Mossley Hollins but in the case of an emergency e.g. it is broken or empty, the emergency inhaler can be used.
If you wish your child to have access to the schools emergency inhaler, can you please complete the consent form and return this to Student Reception.
Administration of Medicines Policy
School To Administer Medicines-Parental Agreement
Emergency Parental Consent Form – Asthma
School Asthma Plan