On Friday 12th May, Mossley Hollins High School received its 2023 Ofsted Inspection Report from His Majesty’s Inspectors.
Students, staff, governors and parents will be rightfully pleased that the school is judged Good for Overall Effectiveness, in addition, Leadership and Management of the school, the Behaviour and Safety of pupils, the Quality of Teaching from teachers and the Personal Development of learners were all judged to be Good.
The Ofsted team was particularly impressed with the broad, balanced and carefully considered curriculum, which allows the overwhelming majority of pupils study the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects, including languages. Inspectors also identified that all pupils access the full curriculum and in lessons teachers usually skilfully adapt activities so that all learners, including those with additional needs, are able to access the same content as their peers.
The Ofsted Report (please click here) pointed to the following significant strengths:
In addition, Inspectors judged safeguarding as effective, sharing that “leaders are proactive in developing the culture of safeguarding at the school” and that “leaders work effectively with outside agencies and safeguarding partners to seek advice and support for pupils who may be at risk. They bring appropriate colleagues into school to help pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe”.
Although leaders, governors and staff are very pleased with the report, we are working hard on the areas identified from our own self-evaluation, which the inspection team agreed with. Although the work in classrooms to support our students with additional needs is strong, we are already working hard to further resource the Learning Support Faculty to ensure that students with additional needs are identified in a timely manner so that they are able to access the most appropriate support outside of the classroom.
Mrs A Din and her team would like to praise the joint effort of students, teachers and governors. Leaders, governors and staff are very keen to work with students and the wider school community to further develop the school and plans are in place to allow this work to take place. We are very grateful to those parents and students who offered positive advice, as the report says, on how to take the next steps for our school. It is this joint work that will allow the school to continue to grow and develop.