Our Curriculum

As a school we understand that the possibilities for learning are endless and do not only exist in the formal classroom situation.  We are proud to recognise and celebrate the achievements of all our students in whatever field they excel, be it the arts and sport, or in leading and serving others. 
These opportunities are not restricted to the classroom and we have an increasingly coherent and extensive curriculum entitlement which develops and builds the learning from beyond the classroom door and into the wider world of science, mathematics, the arts, technology, humanities, sport and modern languages. These opportunities are complemented by an integrated Life Skills Programme which is mapped across the curriculum and is taught as a timetabled lesson in Key Stage 3, in addition to special Life Skills’ Days, Assemblies, in RS/Life Skills lessons and within the curricula of other subjects. They are built consciously with our primary partners to prepare them for secondary to provide a continuity of learning and engagement (as part of our MCSP – Mossley & Carrbrook Schools’ Partnership).
Running throughout our Learning offer is our core belief that our values of manners, hard work and honesty matter a great deal in life to the individual student, to our local community and to society at large and so we have introduced an explicit Character Curriculum offer (starting with Year 7 and working through to the upper years) which takes in our JASS offer ( a mini-Duke of Edinburgh programme running in Year 7, followed by Duke of Edinburgh) which promotes and develops not just Learning, but Leadership, Service and Participation in our school, local community and society at large. Please refer to our Character Tab for more details.
Together it is these explicit curriculum elements that shape a young person’s development as a whole person, actively contributing to a stronger, kinder community and having a life-long impact.

and having a life-long impact.


As well as ensuring that our students are ‘college ready’ when they leave us, our curriculum  encourages deep learning, intellectual curiosity, independent thought and effective learning habits. We offer a coherent and balanced curriculum, in line with many grammar, fee paying and free schools, that responds quickly to changing requirements, as well as a challenging and inspiring wider curriculum that enriches students’ knowledge, skills and understanding.

The Arts

Engagement with the creative and performing arts teaches young people to be more self-disciplined, attentive and better at organising their busy lives. Through the arts, students find their own voice and the confidence to express their individual creativity. We are proud to support and encourage participation in our music, dance and drama programmes and recognise the positive benefit such activities have, and the importance and relevance that is attached to them by college admission tutors, training providers and employers.


Participation in sport helps young people to grow, learn and enjoy themselves, while nurturing their personal, physical and intellectual skills, and developing healthy minds and bodies. For all young people, the value of being involved in sport and outdoor activities, expending energy and getting stuck into competitive games and school teams is well recognised: through sport, they learn about teamwork and leadership, and how to conduct themselves with integrity. It goes without saying that the health and social benefits remain with them long after school.

Huddersfield Road, Mossley,
Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9DP
T: 01457 832491
E: admin@mossleyhollins.com