Newsflash – Friday 24th January

Message from Mr Marshall

Year 11 Final Run Up

There are now only 12 school weeks before the real GCSE examinations begin in May and all Year 11 students should be fully committed to their revision and home study. To ensure we can provide the very best teaching for them during the final few weeks, we need to know exactly what knowledge, skills and understanding the pupils need to work on. The forthcoming PPE examinations, which begin on Friday, 31st January, will provide this vital information but only if the students are fully prepared for the exams through thorough focussed revision. From this week, all homework for Year 11 will be revision focussed to support the students and their work in preparation. Students should be revising regularly at home every evening and weekend. It goes without saying that we rely on the support of parents and families to ensure that Year 11 students are fully prepared, please do not hesitate to call us if you require any help, advice or guidance on how best you can support your child at this exciting but challenging time.

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