As we reflect on what has been a very challenging term, I am left overall with a sense of pride. The students have been magnificent in their response and the tremendous support we have had from families has meant that learning has once more been the focus at Mossley Hollins High School. Thank you so much.
The year 11 students have come back incredibly positive about what lies before them and although we still face some uncertainty about what might happen as winter progresses, I am delighted to see their mature attitudes and quiet determination to succeed. Their attendance has become stronger throughout the first half term to a point where we now have the highest attendance for this year group than we have had for many years. Their response to the additional lesson each day has been incredible, many of them telling us how much they appreciate the extra learning time where they are going over topics covered in the lockdown period.
Students in other years have also settled well and quickly adapted to the myriad of new routines and regulations. They have now settled into the rhythm of the new normal and the vast majority are pleased to be in school and thriving. There are, however, a very small minority for whom a lack of structure during lockdown has meant that returning to school has been more challenging. Our high standards have not changed and we continue to have the highest of expectations of all children. Please support us by reminding children of their responsibility to show good learning habits at all times and work with us when we have concerns so that, together, we can quickly get learning back on track.
Like most schools, we have had a small number of confirmed cases but because of the careful planning around bubbles and seating plans we have been able to minimise the need to send children home to self-isolate. If this has happened to your child may I thank you for your understanding and apologise for the inconvenience. Faculty leaders have been working hard to agree exactly what work will be provided for students working at home. Please see the link below, which provides clear details of what they and you can expect in each subject. Given the fact that this situation is likely to continue for some time it is vital that students understand that learning continues even if they have to self-isolate and there is no excuse for not completing work.
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Newsflash 8 – Friday 23rd October 2020