At Mossley Hollins we value the development of positive character traits as much as we value academic development. Our co-curricular activities, which take place outside of the classroom complement classroom learning, including a range of sporting, performing arts and enrichment activities. We do not see these activities as ‘extra’; students who involve themselves in the full range of activities and opportunities do tend to perform better academically.
Now that covid restrictions have eased, we are in a position to offer a much wider range of opportunities for our students, please see below for the current list of co-curricular activities we have on offer. Please encourage your child to take part in the broader life of the school.
The increased number and wider diversity of our enrichment activities gives all students the opportunity to participate in the programme and experience something(s) that they may continue to take part in well beyond Secondary School.
Every faculty offers enrichment experiences for our students to experience. Many of these are new to our programme. We are proud that all new staff that joined us in September 2021 are part of our programme.
Students have missed out so much on activities recently and as a school we want all our students to make up for this by accessing this new exciting programme