Yesterday I wrote to you regarding the possible partial reopening of school to pupils in Year 10 after half term. Whilst I understand the critical importance of wider reopening for these students who face GCSE and BTEC examinations, we do not yet have sufficient detailed information and guidance from the government and Department for Education, which means that we will follow the clear guidance from Tameside Local Authority and there will be no change to our provision for year 10 pupils until the 8th June at the earliest. At the time of writing we are still unsure about the detail, but it is looking more and more likely that we are not going to be in a position to welcome back Year 10 in any great numbers for some time to come. Given this news, and the realisation that students in Years 7-9 are almost certainly not going to be back in school until September it is even more important that pupils in all years are engaging with the work set each day by their teachers and maintain the habit of learning so that they don’t fall behind when we return to ‘normal’ schooling. Pupils who are not doing this are likely to face significant additional hardship when they return to the classroom unfortunately.
Of course, our school will remain open to vulnerable children and those of key workers and I am once again grateful to staff for giving up their holiday time so that we can continue this provision during half term.
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Newsflash 32 – Friday 22nd May