Who to contact in the temporary absence of our Headteacher, Mr Marshall
The Chair of Governors, Mr Denton, has asked me to let our staff, families and partners know the following key information. As I write, Mr Marshall, our Headteacher, finds himself unwell. It is not Covid-19 related. In such a circumstance it is important that students, staff, parents and partners are made aware of which leaders are temporarily taking on which responsibilities and duties in that absence. The absence is likely to be for a few weeks. There is always a plan in place for such an eventuality in any school.
During that period, Mrs Din, as our First Deputy, will take on the main day-to-day responsibilities and duties of the Headteacher and will be leading the school. Ms Riddy, as our Second Deputy, will take on some of these duties and responsibilities in support of the school and Mrs Din. I will take on many of the more strategic duties currently undertaken by the Headteacher, in support of Mrs Din and Ms Riddy. Mr Wilson, our Senior Assistant Headteacher, will take on the senior attendance, behaviour and pastoral duties normally done by Mrs Din. Mr Wells, one of our Assistant Headteachers, will support Mr Wilson with such senior pastoral duties.
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Newsflash 11 – Friday 20th November 2020