I have been pleased to speak to a number of parents this week about the provision for students and how we can further improve the resources and teaching that we are currently offering. We are aware of the length of time that students have been away from their classrooms and the loss of curriculum time this has created and I am keen to increase student/ staff interaction and engagement. Year 10 students already have interactive lessons in many subjects where teachers incorporate video and prerecorded lessons into their teaching and we are keen to extend this to all students. We are currently working with teachers and faculty leaders to agree how we can best achieve this from 22nd June and I will provide more details next week. We are hoping for a mix of some live sessions where students will be able to join online, receive direct teaching and have the opportunity to ask questions and receive support, and pre-recorded lessons with the opportunity for live follow-up after the lesson. To allow this to happen it is important that every child has access to ICT provision and we have been working hard to help where this is not the case. We still await the promised laptops from the government to help specific students, but we have still not yet received our promised allocation. As soon as we do, we will be in touch with families to support the learning of their child. This next step we are taking is in line with national guidance and the majority of schools are moving in the same direction. If you have any questions or concerns then please get in touch via email admin@mossleyhollins.com and let us know.
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Newsflash 34 – Friday 12th June