Thank you once again for the many messages of thanks and support we have received from families during the first full week of school. The students have settled back into learning and into our new the routines incredibly quickly, especially given the length of time they have been away from their classrooms. Please may I thank you for the incredible support you have given us in helping prepare your child for school under these strange circumstances. The students are now getting into the swing of the new timetable and the need for different zones in school. We were determined that students would be able to access all lessons including options and practical subjects and the use of zones each day helps us achieve this. The alternative of keeping students in one place every day may have been far simpler to implement and manage, but the trade-off would have been an inability to deliver practical subjects such as food technology and art in specialist classrooms. Please remind your child of the importance of wearing their coloured lanyard every day so that we can help and direct them more easily. Please also remind your child that they must wear their facemask when moving between classrooms and when using indoor communal areas.
Read more HERE
Newsflash – Friday 11th September 2020