Newsflash – Friday 10th May 2019
10 May 2019
Message from the Headteacher
Year 11 PRIDE Awards
I was honoured to welcome so many of our Year 11 students and their families to our annual PRIDE awards on Tuesday. Over 50 students achieved the coveted PRIDE award, which rewards excellent learning and attendance throughout the year. Thank you to our school Governor, Mrs Schofield, who presented the awards and to the staff of Turing College for their support. Thank you also to Mr Beaumont, Head of year 11 who presented the event.
Not only did we award certificates to students who had achieved PRIDE awards in Year 11, we were also delighted to give special awards to students who have achieved PRIDE awards in each of their five years with us. Well done to:
- Lucy Allen
- Emma Halpin
- Bethany Murray
- Grace Warrington
- Lauren Bainbridge
- William Hardman
- Brodi Oldham
- Eleanor Wilkinson
- Max Bamford
- Leah Heaton-Haslop
- Bethany Quinn
- Leah Williamson
- Rhys Banner
- Francesca Leigh
- Christina Stefani
- Molly Yates
- Elena Burrows
- Liam Mayall
- Joseph Val
Equally impressive are the five students who achieved a special award for having 100% attendance in each of their
five years. They should be immensely proud of their dedication and commitment Congratulations to:
- Bethany Murray
- Brodi Oldham
- Bethany Quinn
- Joseph Val
- Molly Yates
Finally, I would like to thank pianist Joseph Sweeny who performed pieces by Chopin and Beethoven during the event.
Good luck to all our Year 11 students as they prepare for the first week of their GCSE examinations starting on Monday, 13th May 2019.
Also in the news this week:
- Turing College (Year 11): Leavers’ Hoodies
- Turing College (Year 11): Summer Ball – Tuesday, 25th June 2019 at The Saddleworth Hotel
- Turing College (Year 11): GCSE Examination Timetable
- Keeping Safe Online
- Nightingale College (Year 10): Food & Nutrition
- Book of the Week – Kite Spirit by Sita Brahmachari
- Mossley Hollins students working together in the community
- Redgrave College (Year 7): Bushcraft Visit
- Arts and Sports’ News
- Dates for your Diary
- Monday, 13th May 2019 to Wednesday 19th June 2019 – GCSE Year 11 Exam Session
- Thursday, 16th May 2019 – Year 10 Parents’ Evening
- Friday, 24th May 2019 – Break up for half term holiday
- Friday, 24th May 2019 to Sunday, 26th May 2019 – Year 7 Bushcraft trip
- Monday, 3rd June 2019 – Pupils return to school
- Friday 14th June 2019 – Whit Friday (GCSE students will be in school for their timetabled exams)
- Homework Clubs
- Monday – Science 3:07
- Tuesday – Humanities in 2:04
- Wednesday – English/ MFL in 2.08
- Thursday – Maths in 3:04 and Technology in 4:06
- Friday – Arts and Sports in G:01
- Ever Thought About A Career In Teaching?
Newsflash 30 – Friday 10th May 2019