Creative iMedia

Curriculum Intent

Preparing students for their life after Mossley Hollins. We aim to help students become creative, safe and whose actions online are in line with their offline character.   

Creative iMedia Curriculum Intent

The Cambridge Nationals in Creative iMedia will equip students with a range of creative media skills and provide opportunities to develop, in context, desirable, transferable skills such as research, planning, and review, working with others and communicating creative concepts effectively. Through the use of these skills, students will be creating fit-for-purpose creative media products. Students will be challenged by introducing them to new software such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Dreamweaver and by encouraging independence and creativity.

This qualification will assess the application of creative media skills through their practical use. It will also provide students with essential knowledge, skills and tools to improve their learning in other subjects with the aims of enhancing their employability when they leave education, contributing to their personal development and future economic well-being.

The ‘hands on’ practical approach that will be required for both teaching and learning has strong relevance to the way young people use the technology required in creative media. The qualification design, including the range of units available, will allow students the opportunity to explore different areas of creative media.

Huddersfield Road, Mossley,
Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9DP
T: 01457 832491