Year 7 Curriculum
Year 7 Rotation 1 | |||
Study topic | Knowledge and skills | Assessment | How to support your child |
Working scientifically – Induction to Science at Mossley Hollins | Students will explore the key working scientifically skills needed to be a scientist. They will look at variables, planning a scientific method and how to analyse their results. They will also begin to use key scientific equipment safely in the laboratory. | Allow your child to weigh objects in the kitchen, ensuring that they zero the scales first to ensure. Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. | |
Biology – B7.1 Ecosystems | Students will study food chains and food webs to show interdependence, competition and energy flow. They will look at how external factors can affect the organisms in these ecosystems including toxins and environmental changes. They will study the idea of biodiversity and how organisms are classified into the five kingdoms. | End of unit knowledge check T1 assessment | Go for a walk around Dovestones – see how many organisms can you spot (plants, animals, insects). Link the organisms into a food web, showing which organisms are dependent on each other Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Chemistry – C7.1 Solids, Liquids and Gases | Students will look to develop their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases and that materials are made from atoms. They will also study changes of states brought about by temperature change, in the context of the particle model. | End of unit knowledge check T1 assessment | Investigate diffusion of tea and food dyes with different temperatures of water. Look at how quickly the colours spreads throughout the water Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Physics – P7.1 Different Forces | Students will develop ideas of what forces are and what forces do. Students will extend their knowledge of friction, gravity and springs. Investigations including stretching springs and floating and sinking provide good opportunities for the development of scientific skills. | End of unit knowledge check T1 assessment | Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Year 7 Rotation 2 | |||
Study topic | Knowledge and skills | Assessment | How to support your child |
Biology – B7.3 Movement | Students will look at how cells group together to form tissues which group together to form organ systems. The structure and function of the skeleton is studied and used to explain movement including the structure of joints and how they lead to movement of limbs | End of unit knowledge check T2 assessment | Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Chemistry – C7.2 Mixtures and Separation | Students will build on their understanding of solids, liquids and gases by looking at separation techniques, such as crystallisation and chromatography. | End of unit knowledge check T2 assessment | Carry out chromatography at home using skittles and paper. Place the skittle in the middle of the paper and ad a few drops of water. Watch as the dyes separate into the individual colours. |
Physics – P7.3 Energy Stores and Transfers (9 hours) | Students will be introduced to ways in which energy can be transferred and stored, how to reduce energy transfers, and the renewable and non-renewable resources we use in everyday life. The concept of energy and conservation of energy is fundamental to Physics and will be inherent in much of what follows. | End of unit knowledge check T2 assessment | Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Year 7 Rotation 3 24/1/22- 2/5/22 | |||
Study topic | Knowledge and skills | Assessment | How to support your child |
Biology – B7.3 Cell structure | Students will look at using microscopy to explore the structure and function of the components of plant and animal cells so that the differences between the cells can be explained. They then applies some of this knowledge to analyse the structural adaptations of some unicellular organisms. | End of unit knowledge check E1 assessment | Visit Manchester Museum – From Aardvarks to Zebras, giant whales to microscopic single-celled animals, the Museum collection includes roughly one million preserved animals and plants. Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Chemistry – C7.3 Acids and Alkalis | Students will be introduced to the subject of acids and alkalis, and salt preparation. They will study neutralisation reactions both in terms of chemical reactions, and in everyday life. They will also look to identify acids and alkalis using indicators. | Weekly knowledge organiser quiz Assesment 3 w/b 2/5/22 | Use universal indicator paper (easily bought from the internet) to identify acids and alkalis in the home. Students can then practise using the pH scale to assign each substance a pH. Acid examples include: lemon juice, fizzy drinks Alkali examples include: soap, bleach (use with supervision) Neutral examples include: water |
Physics – P7.3 Current Electricity | Students will study the representation of circuits using standard symbols and the effects of adding bulbs to series circuits. This is then extended with a more quantitative approach to current electricity with the introduction to measurement of current and potential difference. The differences between series and parallel circuits are investigated and the concept of resistance will be introduced. | End of unit knowledge check E1 assessment | Build a lemon battery, follow the instructions on the video. Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Year 7 Rotation 4 | |||
Study topic | Knowledge and skills | Assessment | How to support your child |
Biology – B7.4 Reproduction | Students will cover the changes that take place during puberty, including the stages of the menstrual cycle, which lead to the maturation of the reproductive organs. The structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems are covered so that the role of gametes in fertilisation can be understood. The gestation process and birth are covered including the role of the placenta. | End of unit knowledge check | Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Chemistry – C7.4 The Earth’s Atmosphere | Students will review their work on solids, liquids and gases, alongside chemical reactions, in the context of the Earth’s atmosphere. The concept of a chemical formula is introduced. The gases in the atmosphere and links to climate are also further developed. | End of unit knowledge check | Visit the Manchester museum “Earth Sciences” exhibition – Fossils, rocks, minerals and meteorites are essential to help us understand Space, our Planet and the diversity of life on Earth. Manchester Museum has an outstanding collection of approximately 140,000 specimens from all over the world. Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |
Physics – P7.5 Measuring Density | Students will study a more quantitative and mathematical investigation of the density of solids, liquids and gases. An emphasis is placed on the need to measure and record results accurately using appropriate SI units, including prefixes such as milli (m), centi (c) and kilo (k). | End of unit knowledge check | Visit Eureka! – Watch Archimedes displace the water at the entrance. This is how we can find the volume of an irregular object Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning. |