Mr King– Faculty Leader of Humanities and History
Miss Bradbury – Teacher of History
Mr Irving – Teacher of History
History allows students to understand Britain and the world today through examining our collective past. The study of history provides students with the ability to think critically and enquire about information presented to them. Students will develop skills and knowledge to explore political and social issues, to weigh evidence, debate and make reasoned arguments. In addition, students will gain an understanding of the importance of democracy, tolerance and human rights and our responsibilities as citizens.
Students can progress from this course to:
KS3 Curriculum 2024-2025
Year 7, 8 and 9
In Years 7, 8 and 9, all students follow the KS3 National Curriculum. They receive 4 lessons of History per fortnight and are taught in mixed attainment groups. Students in KS3 will have end point assessments each half term and end of year exams. Pupils study the following topics in History:
Term 1: How similar were 11th century Baghdad and Anglo-Saxon Britain?
Term 2: How did William of Normandy secure control of England?
Term 3: Where did power lie in Medieval England?
Term 4: How did Medieval Africa change over time?
Term 5: Was Medieval Life ‘Nasty, Brutish and Short’?
Term 6: Why did the Tudor Period experience a ‘Religious Rollercoaster’?
Term 1: How much did Britain change during the 17th Century?
Term 2: ‘The Industrial Revolution had a positive impact on Britain’. Do you agree?
Term 3: What was the impact of the British Empire on the globe?
Term 4: How difficult were the experiences of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade?
Term 5: What changed between Pre and Post Victorian Britain?
Term 6: How were soldiers and civilians affected by the First World War?
Term 1: Did everyone in America really experience the roaring twenties?’
Term 2: ‘How far did revolution change Russia’?
Term 3: What was the most significant turning point of the Second World War?’
Term 4: ‘How could the Holocaust happen?’
Term 5: ‘Why did the US lose in Vietnam?’
Term 6::‘How did Britain change after WW2?’
Students will be studying AQA history.
AIM: To understand the causes and impact of conflict in the C20th. To be able to place historical interpretations about British history into their context. Further develop and strengthen knowledge and skills so that they are exam ready. To be able to use their historical knowledge in a wider context to make links between historical eras and the past.
AIM: To gain an understanding of the changes that have happened in British society since the Medieval Period. To further strengthen historical skills to be able to answer examination questions. To understand how to write analytically and make judgements about broader themes of history. To be able to place historical interpretations about history into their context.